it's me! it's me!

Hey guys, breaking character here for a second.

There isn't going to be much of substance here.
Mostly photos, inside jokes, and silly things I came up with.

Thank you for stopping by.

Image, Me (left), and James Rolfe (right)

Trip to Portland Retro Gaming Expo, got to meet The Fucking Nerd!

Me, holding Master Chief's helmet.

Another picture of me in Portland, posing with my Halo 3 Collectors helmet

The last known Blockbuster

Stopped by the Final Blockbuster. They got good Sweatshirts.

A few Panoramic photos of me A few Panoramic photos of me A few Panoramic photos of me

I always find panoramic images of things moving hillarious.
Especially when that thing is a human.

Me and the guys grabbing some grub!

Just Me and the Boys grabbing
a bite to eat at the pub.

a Poloroid image of me and the guys
Can't wait to take another picture like this man.
I miss living pretty much right next to them.

An almost Neolithic painting on a rock

Found this guy out camping, he seems pretty chill.

Me, in minecraft. sizing up an Enderman

Came out of the nether to see this fucker.

A really cool ass pic of me. sorry.

Wanted to make this my profile picture. Goes hard.
Feel free to screenshot.