it's me! it's me!
Welcome to my Blog!
You can see what I've been up to here!


~~~~~~~~ What's up? ~~~~~~~~
Hey guys, How's it been? I've been contemplating a lot of features for my website, but most of it has fallen through sadly.
Trying to find Free resources that actually get the job done is definitely one helluva task, BWL! But I'm slowly getting around to it!
Just updated the Guestbook, so hopefully it won't disintegrate like the other one did! Other than that though...
Just been doing the usual! Work, Game, Hang, Repeat. Been meaning to hop into Active worlds too, but I've just been sidetracked.
You know how life can be. Market season just hit! I love me some locally grown produce, and fun little Nick-Nacks.
Atleast it gets me out of the house! Camping plans seem to still be on, so it's just a matter of time.
I'll make sure to update you guys after the trip! Until then, stay safe y'all. Talk to you soon! │ Friday, May 31st, 2024 1:29AM


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~~~~~~~~ Working thru it ~~~~~~~~
HELLO! IT IS ME! Been on that grind. Finally getting back into the thick of it. That vaporizer that I mentioned previously
is genuinely one helluva product. Going from really harsh smoke clouds to light, tasty vapor, it's really second to none.
But other than that, I've been doing my thing, working and trying to save up some dosh for some wants, and some needs mostly.
been out on a night through town a couple times, hang out with "THE BOYS!™" and keep up that moral!
Season's changed. Not the biggest fan of sweltering hot sun beaming down on me, but I can't say a little sunshine doesn't make me happy.
Here's hoping we all get to actually go out camping! I miss that river, and those mountains so much I could scream!
Not to mention that jerky... UGH!!! │ Thursday, April 18th, 2024 12:34 AM

~~~~~~~~ Getting better, getting stoned. ~~~~~~~~
Howdy, Fellas. Finally been getting back into work, genuinely a relief. While sitting on my ass all day is rather easy,
it's a little too easy for my liking. Makes it rather difficult to appreciate the good things I've got now. One of those
necessary evils I guess. Regardless, I'm in rather high spirits! But on the contrary, I haven't been able to get high!
Smoking seems to just kill me dead, so, I'm picking up one of those newfangled herbal vaporizers! Buddy of mine
practically swears by 'em, poor bastard gets horrendous migranes otherwise.
Hopefully though, I'll be kissing clouds in no time! │ Monday, April 8th, 2024 4:11 AM

~~~~~~~~ Sickness Sucks... ~~~~~~~~
Seems I've somehow gone and gotten myself sick! Felt like molten sludge, so I had to leave work early, which tore me apart icl.
Last time I did that was at Safeway and nobody really treated me with respect/really cared for my wellbeing.
So it left me pretty scarred. Making me think my own health wasn't my main concern, but the profits of the company.
Thankfully however, this new company is genuinely a life saver. I haven't been as reliable as I could have been,
but that's mostly due to my own young adult incompetence. They understand I'm still learning though, and are willing
to work with me through these trying times to make my schedule more appealing, and managable.
Needless to say, if you ever feel like the company you work for puts their profits before Employee wellbeing, and health
try to find another job as fast as you can, try to shoot local, and be as truthful as humanly possible.
Good Employers see that, and will help guide you to success. │ Tuesday, March 26, 2024 12:12 PM

~~~~~~~~ Finally!!! My own Website! ~~~~~~~~
Well fellas, Welcome to my site. It's been a long time coming, if you ask me. I'm hoping to add as much as I can squeeze into 1 gb.
I plan on using this Website for my Active worlds account mostly but I can say for sure that this is a bucketlist item checked off!
By the way, Welcome! anyone from Active Worlds! Here's to a year full of memories! Back to myself though.
I'm so glad this was easier than expected. Well, it did take me almost 10 hours BWL!!! But it's all worth it!
I finally have my own little Virtual Home, to keep all of my Virtual Nick-Nacks! │ Friday, March 22, 2024 3:01 AM